
A Tax Plan Respectful To All

by Jeffrey Rubin, PhD

Welcome to From Insults to Respect. Here in Corning, New York, spring has just begun to display some of its glorious beauty. Meanwhile, I, and most of my neighbors, have just finished squaring up our tax obligations for 2017. As we did so, many of us gave some thought to the recently passed US tax overhaul. In the latest Gallup poll, 48% of respondents indicated they disapprove of…

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Disrespecting the Middle Class With Taxation Policy

What Monkeys Know That Some Middle Class Folks Fail to Grasp

Welcome to From Insults to Respect. Very recently, the US government passed a bill that provides a major overhaul of our taxation policy. Since the bill was signed into law, some of my friends have begun to ask me what I think of it. In response, I first tell them about a psychological study. The Study In the study, primatologists Sarah F. Brosnan and Frans B.M. de…

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